The Devil's Circle



True crime writer Pete Rutherford takes a drastic diversion in his career when he’s persuaded to research the deaths and disappearances near the mysterious “Tramping Ground” in a rural town. Unable to ignore its fascination, Pete presses forward with his project, establishing the groundwork for a chilling prophecy that has simply been biding its time in releasing one final evil upon mankind.

Will the book’s success come at a price too great?

Genre: Horror

Status: Development

Produced by: Chris Taylor & Clark Coffey

Production Co: JonJed / Adventus Films

Projected Start Time: early 2021



writer & director

Jon Jedliskowski

An up-and-coming director and avid horror film aficionado, Jon has three horror shorts under his belt including Housekeeping and The Woods Talk.


producer & co-director

Clark Coffey

Receiving a degree in business and starting his career in marketing, Clark soon turned to his first passion: acting and filmmaking. Since 2008, he's lived in L.A. and the surround area while writing, producing, and directing film and commercial video.


Andrew M. McGivern

After his enlistment in the U.S. Army, Andrew immediately began working in Hollywood as a production assistant and editor. He wrote and directed a handful of award-winning short films and achieved his master's degree in screeenwriting from Cal State in 2018.

producer & cinematographer

Chris Taylor

Formerly a Marine Corps photographer, Chris worked as a gaffer on several productions before shooting and editing full time with Adventus Films, working on several award-winning films and producing three feature films to date under his producton company's banner, including Marla and The Last Laugh, released in 2019 and 2020.

makeup & blood effects artist

Lisa van Dam-Bates

Debuting as a writer/director on the feature Marla, Lisa is often found working in the Art and Special FX departments - a job she takes immense pride in.


Martingale (2021)

The Last Laugh (2020)
Sold on Amazon

Lemonheads (2020)

Marla Mae (2019)
Sold on Amazon

We have a great track record of producing quality motion pictures but we still need support in certain departments to help bring The Devil's Circle to the screen. In the narrative space, a team certainly isn't complete without the sum of its cast, crew and other partners, to actualize a story like this and we certainly love the idea of building a relationship that could lead to other future projects.

Chris Taylor





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Adventus Films © 2020.